Jo també he rebut una carta de Bruno Filipponio. Sembla el títol d’un grup del Facebook, però no ho és.
Fa uns mesos, em va arribar una carta d’Itàlia. Algú que no coneixia em demanava un llibre: “Desidero ardentemente una copia della pubblicazione: El Cardinal (sic) Margarit i l’Europa quatrecentista (Atti, da lei curati).” No negaré que em vaig sentir afalagada per aquest interès tan encès per un llibre meu.
Vam preparar l’enviament amb una carta meva, no podíem frustrar un interès mai vist. Però, abans, vaig cercar a Google el nom de l’autor de l’epístola. El vaig trobar. Havia estat tedoforo, és a dir un dels portadors de la flama olímpica, en els jocs de Roma de 1960. Però, oh sorpresa major! vaig trobar en el website d’una empresa de cremació de Bologna una carta quasi idèntica a la meva. A l’empresa bolonyesa els manifestava el mateix ardor: “Desidero ardentemente una copia della

pubblicazione: La Certosa di Bologna”. A canvi, a mi m’oferia “una delle dispense dell’opera pubblicata alla fine del secolo scorso: Terra (trattato popolare di geografia universale) E’ un caro ricordo di famiglia, ma sono pronto a privarmene pur di avere quanto ho chiesto; accetta lo scambio?”A l’empresa bolonyesa els oferia “il volume del 1828: S. Alfonso de’ Liguori: Opere. E’ un caro ricordo, ma sono pronto a privarmene pur di avere quanto ho chiesto; accetta lo scambio?” Contents ells, publiquen la carta en la seva revista (any 1998! ara digitalitzada), amb aquest comentari: “la richiesta di una copia del Libro sulla Certosa di Bologna da parte di questo Signore ci ha fatto molto pensare; l'interessse per questa opera è notevole.”
Google em va portar també al catàleg dels arxius italians. Hi vaig descobrir que els escriptors Ruggero Jacobi, Emilio Cecchi i Eduardo de Filippo havien rebut una carta del meu corresponsal. Una provenia de l’any 1977 i les altres dues de l’any 1963. Fa quaranta-cinc anys que Bruno Filipponio reuneix llibres de la mateixa industriosa manera!? A correu seguit, em va enviar la meva mateixa carta amb l’afegit “grazie”, repetit tres vegades, i setze pàgines d’un llibre més un mapa. Hi he pogut aprendre alguna cosa sobre la flora i els rius d’Àfrica, al segle XIX.
Un amic italià m’ha confirmat que quasi cada vegada que publica un nou llibre rep una carta del nostre tedoforo. Potser sí que haurem de fer un grup al Facebook.
Dear Mariàngela - thank you for this blog posting. I have just received my own letter from Bruno Filiponnio ("Desidero ardentemente etc") - it was written in such a bizarre style that I wondered if it was some kind of joke. I went onto Google to see what I could find out about him, and I found this blog, which was very amusing. I am not on Facebook, but this strange encounter - with Bruno and with you and with your Italian friend - makes me feel I should join so we can establish a group! Should I send him a copy of my book I wonder?
ResponEliminaDear Hispanofila,
ResponEliminaestic molt contenta del comentari i de veure que el grup de persones que hem rebut una carta de Bruno Filipponio ens anem trobant. Moltes gràcies. Jo crec que li ha d'enviar el llibre. Segur que rebrà allò que ell li ha promès. Quin és el llibre que li demana el nostre amic? Hi ha alguna mena de connexió amb el meu llibre? Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too! My book is called Islamic Arts from Spain (V&A Publishing, 2010) - so it is not a million miles from the subject of your own book, though our friend's tastes seem to be quite wide-ranging. I am afraid I decided not to send him a copy - I did not get many author's copies, so I do not have any to spare. But I hope I wrote him a nice letter...
ResponEliminaGran llibre! Enhorabona. No m'estranya que el nostre amic el vulgui a la seva biblioteca! No sabem, però, si conserva els llibres o els ven. Si els conserva, estic segura que ha format al cap dels anys i de les peticions insistents una bona biblioteca. Li haurem de dir que la deixi a alguna institució perquè es pugui utilitzar. Ja m'agradaria de conèixer el contingut de la carta...
ResponEliminaIn December 2010 was published a book on the Cathedral of Sarzana and in february i created a community on facebook:quelli che hanno ricevuto una lettera da Bruno Filipponio because in january i received the same letter .... it's incredible ... we are now ten fans in a few days but i think we can grow.
ResponEliminaGrazie, Barbara. Ho fatto già il Like nel gruppo di facebook e ho messo il link a questo post. E veramente incredibile! Dovremo fare un convegno sulla scelta filipponiana di libri!
ResponEliminaDatemi il link che è arrivata anche a me!
ResponEliminaCredo che non esiste più questo gruppo. Mi dispiace!
ResponEliminaJo acabo de rebre la carta... curiosament sense data. En deu tenir moltes copies amb l'espai en blanc per afegir en títol del llibre corresponent... Ben curiós. Qui s'anima al grup de facebook?
ResponEliminaEncara envia cartes! M'agradaria veure la seva biblioteca, de debò. Gràcies per escriure el missatge. Podria saber quin llibre demana aquesta vegada?
EliminaSorry to write in English, but I received The Letter today, offering “La Testa di Cavallo: mito, arte e storia" (1974). It seems his new "pitch" is more recent publications (if they exist...). I am truly flabbergasted that he has been doing some version of this for 40 years. Should we all send cards back with the same language? "I am sorry I cannot fulfill your request"?
ResponEliminaI also received a letter from this person who asked potergli Giving a book in exchange for a family heirloom
Since I am a college professor of Salerno and intrigued by this blog, I contacted the person to see us in person with the promise that I would have given the book by hand in exchange for his family heirloom
We met up close and to tell you the truth I was very impressed.
It is presented as a man distinct and well-mannered, old-school education, politely asked him the reason for this request, he politely invited me to his house for a coffee.
Once we got to his house I could see that many of the books described by them you were a little spoiled but in order, in practice this is his passion and hobby, he collects all details by reading books and studying, it is a passion that has inherited his father (who died when he was little).
He loves to read these books and keeps them with great care in alphabetical order in a cabinet close to a glass of great size.
I asked him to give me his copy (promise) in exchange without saying anything and he opened the library and gave me the book, the equilibrium that he gives in exchange for those charged are nothing but copies given away and even those who do not have attracted his attention while he read them, I tried to understand even if it had more copies but each book is a unique copy.
Well in the end we said goodbye with a promise to meet again for a coffee, his book are also taking me because he gave the impression of being charitable
With this I can say that Bruno Filipponio is undoubtedly a kind, courteous and magnanimous differently from what I had read in this blog and in other blogs.
Publish this thing exactly in all the blogs that I read to make everyone understand that "perhaps" judge without knowing it is sometimes wrong (like I did before you)
I asked him to give me his copy (promise) in exchange without saying anything and he opened the library and gave me the book, the equilibrium that he gives in exchange for those charged are nothing but copies given away and even those who do not have attracted his attention while he read them, I tried to understand even if it had more copies but each book is a unique copy.
Well in the end we said goodbye with a promise to meet again for a coffee, his book are also taking me because he gave the impression of being charitable
With this I can say that Bruno Filipponio is undoubtedly a kind, courteous and magnanimous differently from what I had read in this blog and in other blogs.
Publish this thing exactly in all the blogs that I read to make everyone understand that "perhaps" judge without knowing it is sometimes wrong (like I did before you)
ResponEliminaJo acabo de rebre'n una avui mateix, demanat-me el meu catàleg de l'exposició Antoni Viladomat.
Una abraçada,
Francesc Miralpeix
Té bon gust! Veig que encara fa biblioteca. És increïble, oi?
ResponEliminaUna abraçada.
Sé que arribe ja tard, però hui, 28 de maig de 2015, m'ha arribat la mateixa carta. Per cert, també m'ofereix a canvi "La testa del cavallo". És un cas francament interessant!
ResponEliminaSalutacions a tots.
T'agraeixo el comentari! Aquest senyor no s'atura. Estic intrigada a saber quin llibre et demana. Estic catalogant la seva biblioteca...
ResponEliminaCordials salutacions
Salutacions, Mariàngela.
ResponEliminaEn aquest cas sí hi ha coincidència temàtica amb els teus llibres, ja que és de filologia llatina. M'ha demanat una còpia dels Opera omnia de Pere Marsili, que ha eixit publicat fa poc al Corpus Christianorum. Reconec que la carta em resulta entranyable, però malhauradament no puc enviar-li'n cap còpia.
Salutacions cordials